Tristan Temple

Introducing Tristan Temple: Founder and Laser Technician at Amendermis Laser Clinic

Meet Tristan Temple, the driving force behind Amendermis Laser Clinic's success. With a passion for innovation and a commitment to excellence, Tristan has carved his path from humble beginnings to become a leading figure in the field of laser tattoo removal.

Originally hailing from Ontario, Tristan found his heart drawn to the breathtaking landscapes of British Columbia after completing high school. However, his journey took an unexpected turn when he pursued business studies at Sheridan College in Ontario, followed by ventures in Alberta's energy industry.

Despite finding success in the energy sector, Tristan felt a yearning for a more fulfilling pursuit—one that would directly impact individuals' lives in a positive way. It was during this search for purpose that he stumbled upon the world of laser tattoo removal.

Driven by his personal desire for a solution to unwanted ink, Tristan delved into the intricacies of laser technology. For years, he dedicated himself to learning, practicing, and studying the art of tattoo removal, honing his skills and deepening his understanding of the craft.

With a clear vision in mind, Tristan meticulously pieced together the concept for Amendermis Laser Clinic—a place where individuals could find solace in shedding the burdens of their past ink. After months of meticulous research and communication, Tristan made the pivotal decision to equip Amendermis with the gold standard in laser technology: the CynoSure PicoSure laser.

Today, Tristan Temple stands as a beacon of expertise and compassion in the field of laser tattoo removal. His unwavering dedication to his craft and commitment to client satisfaction have earned him a reputation as a trusted practitioner and industry leader.

Join Tristan on his mission to empower individuals to embrace their true selves at Amendermis Laser Clinic—an oasis of transformation and renewal.